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Características principales

Título del libro
The Murmuring Waves
John P. Healy
Editorial del libro
Autores de Argentina
Edición del libro
Tapa del libro
Con índice
Año de publicación

Otras características

  • Cantidad de páginas: 154

  • Género del libro: Autobiografía

  • Tipo de narración: Narrativa

  • ISBN: 9789878723488


John Healy, born in Ireland, first arrived in Argentina at the age of twenty seven as a Catholic missionary priest. This intimate book relates his personal story from early childhood in the picturesque town of Westport to the present day in the city of Córdoba, Argentina.

The intervening years are witness to many changes of location and lifestyle both in Ireland and Argentina. The most challenging and profound change occurred when he decided to retire from active priestly ministry after twenty five years.

How much did those friendly letters from María, his future wife, unintentionally awaken the need to visit other dimensions of life still unexplored. This is a journey, profound it its simplicity, that leaves the reader with a feeling of gratitude to life through anecdotes and pauses for reflection.